Information for you by Muhammadiyah Tobacco Control Center
1. Background
Research activities and research findings
publication is still being developed in Indonesia especially within the
academic community. It is proven by the requirement to file profiles in
those two areas as part of the process to increase the level of
professional academicians. Furthermore, jJugde by the above general
situation it is not strange to realize that Tobacco control is not a
popular research topic within the academic community in Yogyakarta and
in Indonesia. The limited publication worsening the situation resulted
in the absence of local regulation on public no smoking area, which
finally contribute to the increasing number of (new younger) smokers.
To increase the understanding about the danger of smoking in the youth
population and to enact the importance of local regulation on public no
smoking area it is necessary to popularize research topics on tobacco
control and its publications. The research finding will become part of a
speaking data to support the enactment. The research topic is
determined by using the MPOWER strategy developed by the WHO. The inline
strategy will equip the community and individuals with the necessary
tools to fight tobacco use.
Thus, the 2014 seed research grant
program, as part of the research network project between MTCC UMY and
the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, is a sustainability program
to promote tobacco control research
related activity using the MPOWER strategy among the scientists in
Indonesia. The target audience for publication are all Research Unit of
Higher Education Institution/University and those who are interested in
tobacco control research in Indonesia. The publication will be done
through wesite, email and posters.
2. Goals
Develop a
competitive seed research grant program where scientists can use and
apply MPOWER-related tobacco control strategy in their research projects
to strengthen TC activities in Indonesia.
3. Budget
budget for Seed Research Grant is US$ 49000 to cover 14 researchers
supporting MPOWER issues.. The majority of the funds should be used to
support the research. A proportion of the funds could be put toward
covering costs of scientists’ allowance.
a. The amount for each of 14 winners of seed research grant is US$ 3500 (three thousand and five hundred dollars)
b. It will be disbursed in three installments of 50%, 30% and 20%
4. Criteria for selecting Seed Research Grantees
a. Researcher from every corner of Indonesia that concern with TC related activities.
b. Writing an appropriate research proposals related to MPOWER topics.
c. Their Research proposal should be submitted to MTCC committee as scheduled to be reviewed, evaluated and selected.
d. MTCC selection panel decision reserved the right to dice on the
winner of Seed Research Grants based on desk and presentation
e. Do and write their research in 9 (nine) months after the contract signed.
5. Criteria for assessing progress and outcomes: How will we know if we are succeeding?
1. Minimum number of proposal submitted is 30. In the first selection
stage, 20 finalist will be determined by the national reviewers to
receive mentoring program before designated as grant recipient by the
international committee of reviewers.
2. There will be 14 seed
research grant worth US$ 3500 granted with the topics that contribute to
the new established Indonesian Tobacco Control Research network
All findings from the seed research grant program will be presented in
the Network Conference in December 2014 along with the final report
presentation of the UMY-UNION Joint Program
6. Mid Term Monitoring and Evaluation Process
It will be conducted to make sure that all the research activities are
conducted as planned. Should there be any disturbance or deviation in
conducting the research, then discussion will be held to make sure that
all research target is met effectively and efficiently.
monitoring and evaluation process can be conducted either by inviting
all grantees to gather in a meeting place at the same time or the
Mentors can do the monitoring and evaluation visit to the researcher
The monitoring and evaluation process will be recorded using the Monitoring and Evaluation form.
a. Steering committe : Rector UMY
Hilman Latief, PhD.
b. Project Director : Mutia Hariati Hussin
c. PIC/Chairman : Isnaini Muallidin/Fauzi Ahmad Noor
d. Secretary : Pinasti Utami
e. Supporting staff : Henri Setiawan
f. Selection Team :
3 (three) Internal Reviewer and Mentor:
1. Dra. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si., PhD (from QTI/Quit Tobacco Indonesia with behavioral science background)
2. dr. Orizaty Hilman, PhD (Cand.) (From Department of Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, UMY with strong community health
3. Abdillah Ahsan, PhD (Researcher from The Demographic
Institute, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia with strong
Statistical background)
3 (three) International Reviewer and Mentor:
1. Kibria Naseeb, (from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health)
2. Stephen Tamplin (from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health)
3. Tara Singh Bam, PhD, MPH (from The Union)
9. Budget Allocation
Budget will be allocated to fund :
a. The preparation and selection process
b. The mentoring activities
c. The research grants
d. The monitoring activities
e. The publication and research finding presentation
f. Administration and supporting staff
10. Sustainbility:
The winners of seed research grant program will be mentored, contacted
and kept well informed about TC activity through web/internet network
and their progress will be monitored and reported to the donor. They
will also be invited to the Conference to present/display their research
findings and after the project end their involvement with tobacco
control research network will be maintained through future MTCC by
annual conference program.
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